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They are intended for customer service. In accordance with the “information technology and freedoms” law, you can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have it rectified by contacting: SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon 17 250 Saint-Porchaire. You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.
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All offenses will be subject to legal action.
By continuing to visit our site you agree to respect the restrictions below.
Creation of the site : SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon / Identification number: Siret 525 880 159 00013
Project manager : Philippe SEBERT /
Access and use of the site are provided by SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon and are subject to the conditions of use below :
intellectual property : SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon / / Siret : 525 880 159 00013 / Share capital : 102 600 € / TVA : FROD 525 880 159
Links to other sites : From this site, you may possibly access third-party sites via hypertext links. These third party sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the availability of these sites and their content. The provision of links to you is made for your information and does not imply any responsibility on the part of SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of these third party sites or from contracts resulting from the use of these third party sites. Your transactions with any third party provider are solely between you and the third party provider and are subject to the terms applicable to such transactions.
Use of information : Despite the care taken in processing the information, SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon declines all responsibility for errors or omissions relating to the information published on this site. La SAS Domaine de La Roche Courbon cannot be held responsible for the interpretation of the information contained on this site, nor for the consequences of its use.
No guarantee is given that this site will be available without interruption and no liability can be accepted for loss or damage resulting from unavailability of the site.
Accommodation : This website is hosted by Ionos.